CE 7smart UV Online
Flow-through cell dissolution testing system with integrated UV-Vis analysis of samples in real-time.

- ANALYZE – Dissolution testing results can be viewed in real time as they are generated, reducing analysis time and costs
- ADAPT – Test APIs, oral, topical and parenteral dosage forms reproducibly
- PROGRAM – Define methods and specifications in one validated platform, using SOTAX Dissolution software
- TEST – Run dissolution profiles based on programmed time points, flow rate and media changes with a complete traceability
- RECORD – Allows complete traceability through user's right administration, audit trail, unlimited method programming and reporting

Immediate results for immediate release
The capability to analyse the dissolved active immediately with a connected spectrophotometer, is the quickest way to get to the dissolution results. The CP pump will fill the flow cells connected to each dissolution vessel and the multi cell changer of the spectrometer will move to the appropriate position, that each vessel can be measured instantly. Combinations with different UV-Vis brands and types are available.

From API to novel dosage forms
Dissolution testing is a supra-indicator of parameters monitored during the manufacturing of a dosage form. The CE 7smart apparatus 4 widens the design of experiment being the only compendial dissolution instrument allowing a reproducible testing of APIs, intermediates and final dosage forms. The CE 7smart gives relevant information from pre-formulation and characterization to IPC and QC testing.

Biorelevant methods
Envisioned to mimic in-vivo conditions more accurately than beaker methods, the Flow-Through Cell technique was born to ambitiously push dissolution testing borders. Compatible with biorelevant media from level zero to three, the CE 7smart remains a powerful and flexible tool to change pH on the fly in extended and delayed release dosage form testing. The CE 7smart is also a method of choice for poorly soluble compounds BCS class II and IV.

Volume flexibility
The CE 7smart user can adapt his open and closed system settings to its real solubility and sensitivity method requirements, simply adjusting the required media volume. From 50 to 5000 mL, maintaining the same hydrodynamic conditions in every volume condition, the CE 7smart allows a reproducible positioning of the dosage form into the cell.