
10 April 2024

Automation of Physical testing in IPC: Paybacks and challenges

In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceutical manufacturing, the push towards full automation, particularly in In-Process Control (IPC), represents a significant leap forward in operational excellence.

But how can you identify and successfully overcome potential hurdles when planning and implementing an IPC automation project?

The integration of advanced automation solutions, like the AT50 tablet hardness tester, is streamlining quality control in laboratories and production environments, offering a host of benefits that transcend traditional manual approaches. Crafted to thrive in the challenging conditions of pharmaceutical manufacturing and dusty compression rooms, its benchtop variant shines, delivering exceptionally quick cycle times ideal for both laboratory settings and direct online integration with tablet presses.

The shift towards full automation in IPC within the pharmaceutical sector is not without its challenges. By prioritizing the integration of automation solutions and ensuring the active participation of knowledgeable stakeholders from the project's inception, companies can navigate the complexities of automation. This involves a thorough situation analysis, clear and comprehensive User Requirements Specifications (URS), meticulous Operational and Performance Qualifications (OQ/PQ), and a commitment to ongoing education and training.

For additional information and guidance on effectively planning and executing an automation project for IPC, please consult our recently published white paper here.