04 noviembre 2024
New q-doc® 4m released
Avoid time-consuming and error-prone manual re-racking of collected dissolution samples. q-doc® Data Management now supports both automated injection into U/HPLC and offline collection in LC vial plates with Xtend™ Dissolution systems.
The latest version of q-doc® Data Management software now supports 100% unattended injection of dissolution samples directly into your U/HPLC system with both semi-automated ATS Xtend™ and fully automated ATF Xtend™ dissolution systems. Streamline your LC workflow for real-time analysis without manual intervention.
Alternatively, you can reduce manual handling times and minimize errors by collecting dissolution samples in standard LC vial plates that can be seamlessly transferred to the autosampler of your U/HPLC system without the need for re-racking.
What’s new with q-doc® 4m?
Following the ‘one step closer to making your lab paperless’ philosophy, q-doc® 4m adds new features and integration possibilities for both SOTAX and Non-SOTAX instruments:
New driver ATF Xtend™ - LC On-/Offline
New driver ATS Xtend™ - LC On-/Offline
Integrated pH measuring for ATS Xtend™ and ATF Xtend™
New driver Mettler S400 pH meter for stand-alone pH measurements
Tapped Density: Changes in USP / Ph.Eur. implemented